Test For Lyme Disease Wisconsin

What Is Chronic Lyme Disease?


Is there a cure for lyme disease? Many think not, that you are stuck with it the rest of your days. But I’m here to say I have beat the bug out of my system entirely and I’m back to a real life, working  out and getting things done. My tick bite also gave me Q-fever which is 10 times harder to get rid of and 10 quite possibly times more deadly. I can say that I have cured myself! Is what I’ve done going to do the same for others? I can only say, what do you have to loose, it’s all good healthy foods that anyone should be doing to simply stay healthy.

Is Lyme Disease in Wisconsin

It doesn’t matter if you are in Wisconsin or any other part of the world. These pesky little ticks have migrated almost all over the world. And what’s sad is because it mimics over 300 other diseases, research is at it’s infancy when many have suffered through the ages thinking it was something else. And if I’m correct by listening to my body and curing myself through simple means, it’s a shame we all don’t know about how simple it can be, and quick you can heal.

Here’s more info I’v found simple to get on top of Google, but please do visit my 15 minute read of how and what I did to cure myself. It just may help you or others you know suffering from Lyme Disease.

Lymes Disease

Neurological Lyme Disease

Lyme disease--caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete--is often transmitted through the deer tick. However, it's not the only source of infection. It can also be transmitted via mites from rats, mice, birds, and maybe even bed bugs. Of course not every mite or bed bug is infected with Lyme disease but in the case of these organisms transmitting skin parasites such as Collembola, Strongyloides Stercoralis, and Morgellons it's estimated that 95% of those afflicted with these organisms have Lyme disease according to Dr. Harvey of Texas.

Usually when inflicted via the deer tick a bull's eye rash develops which is often the tell tale sign of Lyme disease. Treated early on Lyme disease can often be effectively treated with several common antiobiotics. Years ago tetracycline was widely used, today doxycycline and amoxicillin or cefuroxime are used for two to three weeks.

If the disease is more progressed, intravenous antibiotics are used for up to a month.

For even more resistant chronic Lyme disease a rotation of various antibiotics--bactrim for 3 months followed by zithromax for three months and then biaxin for another two months.
With chronic Lyme disease it morphs to hide in yeast. Thus simultaneously Fluconazole (100 mg once/week -- anti fungal) and Flagyl er 750 mg two days in a row per week are often used.

I chose the latter one, Max GXL, and noticed that the swelling and pain in my knee diminished greatly within six weeks.

Effective Natural Supplements for Treating Lyme Disease

Limes Disease Symptoms

Lyme disease is spread by deer ticks and is caused by a spirochete bacteria name Borrelia burgdorferi. When the bacteria reach the bloodstream and are spread throughout the body, it can cause signs and symptoms ranging from mild to severe.


Deer ticks are the vector insect of this kind of disease. B. burgdorferi lives in the saliva of the tick and when the tick bit a person, the bacteria is introduced inside the body. B. burgdorferi will then travel the bloodstream and infect different body parts such as the nervous, integumentary, and musculoskeletal system.

Its most noticeable symptom is the rash that it creates, which is an immune response of the body to the invading foreign bacteria. The rash is developed by the time the deer tick bit a person. The tick's saliva is a perfect nourishing substance for the bacteria. The tick's saliva itself contains chemical that can disrupt or damage the local immune system. When the skin's immune system is compromised, it can serve as a breeding ground for the bacteria. From the site of the bite, the spirochete bacteria will then asexually reproduce and will spread outwardly. This is the main reason that lyme disease rash is circular in appearance. In some unknown reason, the neutrophils, which are the body's antigen for invading bacteria, do not respond promptly to the site or failed to take action.

Early Stage

Circular rash has 5 to 6 inches diameter
"Bull's eye" rash
Occasionally itchy or painful

Signs of inflammation may or may not be present

Late Stage

Cerebral palsy
Shooting pain that leads to sleep disturbances
Bladder problem

Lyme disease has many other complications that may even affect mental and emotional health. This is the main reason that early detection and prompt medical attention should be given. Lyme disease may not be serious at first, but the later stages of the disease may lead to debilitating effects.

New Tests and Treatments for Lyme Disease

Is Lyme Disease Curable In Humans

The treatment of Lyme disease can be very effective with homeopathic treatment.

Lyme disease is caused by an insect bite, in particular a tick bite. Sometimes the tick can be so small as to be unaware of the bite until symptoms arise. Symptoms include a rash at the site of the bite soon after the bite, progressing to symptoms of the flu, then joint, heart and nervous system involvement.

There are three stages of Lyme disease. The immediate stage characterised by a rash, the intermediate stage which can include heart symptoms, nervous system symptoms and meningitis and the late stage characterised by arthritis as well as the nervous system involvement.

The longer ago the bite was, the more complicated your condition will be, especially if you have had various treatments. Seeing a professional homeopath is likely to help you more than struggling with your own treatment.

The treatment of Lyme disease with homeopathy can be fast and non invasive. However, it's also worth bearing in mind, that you only develop serious disease because your immune system is not operating at it's full capacity. If it was, you may be bitten, but suffer no sequelae to the bite.

Focus on improving that for better future health.

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Symptoms Wisconsin Wisconsin

Wisconsin Wisconsin Lyme Disease Hospital

Lyme Disease Diagnosis

Being diagnosed for lyme disease is hard to figure out if it’s really lyme or the other 300 diseases it mimics. You can get bit by a tick that can give you lyme disease just about anywhere in the US, even in Wisconsin.

Lyme Test

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium known as spirochete, which is spread by tick bites. Lyme disease is described in 3 phases: the early localized disease with skin inflammation; early disseminated disease with heart and nervous system involvement, including nerve palsies and meningitis; and late disease featuring motor and sensory nerve damage, brain inflammation and arthritis.

The Ayurvedic treatment of Lyme disease is aimed at treating the symptoms, preventing complications and boosting the immune status of the body. Medicines like Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha, Gandhak-Rasayan, Sukshma-Triphala, Chandraprabha-Vati and Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu can be used to treat the early localized disease involving skin inflammation. These medicines can also eliminate the bacteria from the body. This disease causes inflammation of the heart muscle, resulting in arrhythmia or abnormal heart rhythm, and heart failure. Medicines like Bruhat-Vat-Chintamani, Maha-Vat-Vidhwans-Ras, Ekang-Veer-Ras and Tapyadi-Loh can be used to prevent and treat arrhythmia. Inflammation of the heart muscle can be treated using medicines like Triphala-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Arjunarishta, Dashmoolarishta, Saarivasav, Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica).

Since Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks attaching to the body, it is important to use protective clothing and adopt other techniques for the prevention and avoidance of tick bites while staying in, or visiting tick areas. Adequate hygiene should be maintained in order to prevent transmission of this disease.

Lyme Disease Symptoms

The first symptom is visual in some cases. A rash resembling a bullseye is a certain sign you have lyme disease. In two to four weeks, if not treated symptoms can become severe with lots of pain.

Antibiotics Lyme Disease

There are many kinds of ticks on animals that people normally don't bother about. However, in the U. S., a disease was identified in 1975 that originated from ticks found in deer. This tick disease is called Lyme. Before discussing the symptoms for Lyme disease, it is wise to understand the cause of the illness.

This illness comes of a bacteria known as spirochete. A particular species of this bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi is found in ticks. Apart from Montana, most of the states in America have been known to be affected by this illness and is popularly known as deer tick since the adult form of this bacteria lives on deer.

When the ticks drink the blood of the deer who is suffering from Lyme illness, and bites in its nymph stage, the human body becomes infected without knowledge of the bite. Most people who catch it are outdoor sports lovers or campers.

If the signs of this sickness are ignored and the disease is left untreated, it is an invitation to arthritis in the next couple of months, especially in the knees. A person may feel arthritis shifting from one joint to another in regular or intermittent periods. If the Lyme disease is left untreated for a long period of time, people will go through chronic arthritis.

Lyme Disease Stages

If not taken serious, symptoms then can turn to neurological causing memory loss and motor movement disability. And in some serious cases, death.

Symptoms Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

Chronic or late-stage Lyme Disease tends to affect people who have big things to offer the world. These people may already seem to be "on their path" and often excel in multiple areas at once, including the healing arts. The illness seems to appear in people who could go even deeper with their healing and creative gifts but for one reason or another feel locked into their current lifestyle. Perhaps they have unexpressed creative gifts like photography, painting or writing. Maybe they've been waiting for life to "let up" before they indulge such longings. But the creative pursuits themselves offer healing - not just for the Lyme folks, but for the world in a bigger way.

On the soul level, Chronic Lyme shows up like a roto-rooter, forcing people to dig deep and remove ALL blocks to creativity and healing. To the outside world, these people usually look like they have no blocks because they're moving so effectively through life, but Life has other plans. It's as though these souls came in with a bigger mission than their current lifestyle or world view allows. They may get nudged a few times, but if they don't respond fully, then along come some little spirochetes to terrorize the immune and neurological systems into action. Like a guerrilla army, the bacteria sneak inside without detection and then launch a massive attack that captures attention through shock and awe.

As such, Lyme remains a very difficult disease to treat. Most of those affected are, in this lifetime or certainly in previous ones, highly advanced healers. This awareness (whether conscious or completely subconscious) makes them adept at sidestepping treatments that would bring about healing before the lessons take root. Intuitively, Lyme sufferers have a sense that something needs to shift, even though they may not realize what or to what degree things need changing. This remains true of most diseases. Lyme just seems to operate at a faster and more aggressive level, outsmarting anyone who might offer relief before the soul receives its full blessing. Actively looking for that blessing speeds healing. Once the disease has served its ultimate purpose, it can fade away, leaving the survivor stronger, wiser and more compassionate for having taken the journey.

Test for Lyme Disease

Please take the time to read this 15 minute blog. It tells of how someone beat Lyme Disease and Q-fever, both contracted from the same tick bite, but Q-fever being 10 time worse than Lyme Disease. He tells of how doctors were not able to cure him and at his last hope found several natural foods that turned his health around within a week. On deaths door to a full recovery. Check out the simple ways he cured lyme disease with organic foods.

Cure Lyme Disease

The mysteries of Lyme disease and its various maladies is allusive and difficult to diagnose. Because Lyme disease can manifest itself different in each person it infects, there is no hard and fast rule for a set of symptoms being cause for a blood test.

In fact, Lyme disease throws out the rule book for modern medicine. There is only one thing for certain - that nothing is certain. Each person is affected uniquely by the illness and the treatment is specific to each patient as well.

That being said, there is one thing I know, you do not have to have a bulls eye rash, a visible tick bite or flu like symptoms to have Lyme disease. It can be passed to children in the womb and they are researching whether it is sexually transmitted.

Lyme disease can also "co-infect" the patient with other tick borne illnesses simultaneously making the symptoms even more varied and wide.

First, if you are chasing a mystery illness that seems to continue progressing in intensity and increasing in variety of symptoms as doctors try to treat it, that is a strong indicator for Lyme.

Second, if you are a relatively healthy person but seem to continue getting diagnosis for autoimmune disorders - even just one, could also be indicative of Lyme.

Third, multiple unrelated symptoms that occur simultaneouly can point to Lyme. Doctors would tell me my list of indicators were "impossible" to happen concurrently and from one cause, but they were. Keep after it and trust your body and your instincts.

Finally, take your body temperature every morning when you wake up for a week. Low body temperature is a huge indicator of a disease environment in your body, especially pathogenic. Lyme thrives in a low temperature body.

The following chart contains a symptom list for Lyme and its co-infections. The first time I read through it, I was shocked by the list and that it could all be caused by Lyme disease. We are all grossly uneducated about this disease and what it is capable of and what it takes to recover.

General Well-being:

  • Decreased interest in play (children)
  • Extreme fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion
  • Unexplained fevers (high or low grade)
  • Flu-like symptoms (early in the illness)
  • Symptoms seem to change, come and go
  • Low body temperature

Other Organ Problems:

  • Dysfunction of the thyroid (under or over active thyroid glands)
  • Liver inflammation
  • Bladder & Kidney problems (including bed wetting)
  • Reproduction and Sexuality


  • Unexplained menstrual pain, irregularity
  • Reproduction - miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, neonatal
  • Death, congenital Lyme disease
  • Extreme PMS symptoms


  • Testicular or pelvic pain

Autoimmune Disorders:

  • Acute Coronary Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
  • Graves' Disease/Hyperthyroidism
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Krohns Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Sjogren's Syndrome
  • Parkinsons'
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Alzheimer's
  • Dementia
  • Lupus
  • Depression
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Aspergers
  • Dyslexia
  • Psychological Disorders - Obsessive Compulsive, Etc.
  • Meniere's
  • TMJ
  • Celiac
  • Addison's Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cushing's Disease
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Schizophrenia

Cure for Lyme Disease

Cure Of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, also referred to as infection, is a bacterial illness transmitted to humans when ticks bite them. The deer ticks carry a bacterium that is called Borrelia burgdorferi, harbor it and spread to anyone they are feeding on.

People who have the greatest possibility of obtaining Lyme disease are those that live in grassy and wooden areas. These are the places where ticks carrying this disease, live. For people who reside in such areas and have a great risk of having Lyme disease, it is important to take some precautionary measures.

In case the person who was bitten is sensitive to the saliva of the tick, redness may start appearing just at the time of the bite. However, this would be different from the usual rash which is known as erythema migrans as these would disappear within a few weeks and will not enlarge and become redder.

Other symptoms include fever accompanied by chills, ache in the body, fatigue, and severe headaches. Other people may experience less common symptoms, such as heart problems and an irregular heartbeat, hepatitis and severe fatigue.

Lyme Disease - Causes - Symptoms and Treatment

Chronic Lyme Treatment

Lyme disease is spread by deer ticks and is caused by a spirochete bacteria name Borrelia burgdorferi. When the bacteria reach the bloodstream and are spread throughout the body, it can cause signs and symptoms ranging from mild to severe.


Deer ticks are the vector insect of this kind of disease. B. burgdorferi lives in the saliva of the tick and when the tick bit a person, the bacteria is introduced inside the body. B. burgdorferi will then travel the bloodstream and infect different body parts such as the nervous, integumentary, and musculoskeletal system.

Its most noticeable symptom is the rash that it creates, which is an immune response of the body to the invading foreign bacteria. The rash is developed by the time the deer tick bit a person. The tick's saliva is a perfect nourishing substance for the bacteria. The tick's saliva itself contains chemical that can disrupt or damage the local immune system. When the skin's immune system is compromised, it can serve as a breeding ground for the bacteria. From the site of the bite, the spirochete bacteria will then asexually reproduce and will spread outwardly. This is the main reason that lyme disease rash is circular in appearance. In some unknown reason, the neutrophils, which are the body's antigen for invading bacteria, do not respond promptly to the site or failed to take action.

Early Stage

Circular rash has 5 to 6 inches diameter
"Bull's eye" rash
Occasionally itchy or painful

Signs of inflammation may or may not be present

Late Stage

Cerebral palsy
Shooting pain that leads to sleep disturbances
Bladder problem

Lyme disease has many other complications that may even affect mental and emotional health. This is the main reason that early detection and prompt medical attention should be given. Lyme disease may not be serious at first, but the later stages of the disease may lead to debilitating effects.

Once assumed to be a regional disease largely confined to the
northeastern United States and spread by bacteria carried only by deer
ticks, Lyme experts now report that cases of the illness have been
documented in every state. There is also evidence to suggest that it
can be spread through other means, including mosquitoes and body
fluids. According to JoAnne Whitaker, M.D., of Bowen Research
Laboratory in Florida, "Lyme disease isn't just a tick-borne
infection. I have found the bacteria in every single mosquito that I've
examined, from blood all over California and all over Florida. Dr.
Whitaker believes that "Lyme is the most prevalent disease
there is."

Dr. Tod Thoring is a naturopath and the owner of Pacific Natural
Medicine and Skin Care Centre in Arroyo Grande, California. In his
family practice, Thoring has observed a steady increase in the
frequency of patients with Lyme. Although the evidence suggests that
Lyme is on the rise throughout the country, many people have been told
by medical professionals that Lyme disease does not exist in California.

"The medical community is in its infancy in learning about
this disease," says Dr. Thoring.

Lyme is considered a difficult disease to diagnose and treat. Lyme
symptoms mimic hundreds of other diseases, and has prompted the medical
community's nickname for the disease: the new Great Imitator. The Lyme
bug is a spirochete, the same type of spiral-shaped bacterium that is
responsible for syphilis. Capable of moving through body tissue as well
as the bloodstream, the spirochete can evade the body's immune system,
change from a spiral into a ball and pull a protective shell, a fibrin,
over itself.

The standard antibiotic treatment is not as successful as
antimicrobials, according to Dr. Cowden's studies. "Unless
you start treating the infection during the first three to six
weeks," he says, "patients tend to have to get
repeated rounds of antibiotics longterm, for years and years and
years." Cowden devotes much of his time educating other
medical doctors about the use of antimicrobial herbs to help patients
heal from Lyme disease, and as a result of intensive medical studies,
has developed a protocol with a high success rate.

"We want to try and get as many doctors as possible familiar
with these protocols," says Dr. Cowden. "They're
working well, they're non-toxic, they're not giving the adverse
reactions like a lot of people see, with the fungal overgrowth from
standard antibiotics. And the patients are getting well and staying
well even though the basic protocol is stopped at some point."

The studies and doctors quoted in the article are all included in the Lyme Disease Research Database Conversations
with Lyme Experts Interview Series.

Wisconsin Wisconsin

