Lyme Disease Illinois

Glutathione and Lyme Disease


Is there a cure for lyme disease? Many think not, that you are stuck with it the rest of your days. But I’m here to say I have beat the bug out of my system entirely and I’m back to a real life, working  out and getting things done. My tick bite also gave me Q-fever which is 10 times harder to get rid of and 10 quite possibly times more deadly. I can say that I have cured myself! Is what I’ve done going to do the same for others? I can only say, what do you have to loose, it’s all good healthy foods that anyone should be doing to simply stay healthy.

Is Lyme Disease in Illinois

It doesn’t matter if you are in Illinois or any other part of the world. These pesky little ticks have migrated almost all over the world. And what’s sad is because it mimics over 300 other diseases, research is at it’s infancy when many have suffered through the ages thinking it was something else. And if I’m correct by listening to my body and curing myself through simple means, it’s a shame we all don’t know about how simple it can be, and quick you can heal.

Here’s more info I’v found simple to get on top of Google, but please do visit my 15 minute read of how and what I did to cure myself. It just may help you or others you know suffering from Lyme Disease.

New Tests and Treatments for Lyme Disease

How To Diagnose Lyme Disease

The dramatic increase in the number of cases of Lyme disease has caused a lot of panic in the medical community. Traditionally, it is treated with round after round of antibiotics. Some people never fully recover and the disease can be fatal.

Humans get Lyme disease most commonly from tics, but also from mosquitoes, fleas and mites. People suffering from it may initially experience fever, headache, and depression, developing a bull's eye-shaped rash. If a physician identifies this rash as Lyme disease, then treatment is immediately administered. The sooner antibiotics are given, the better your chances.

But, the treatment with antibiotics is very controversial. Rounds of antibiotics often need to be repeated, sometimes multiple times, and the symptoms could never go away or get worse. Some people have suffered endless damaging side effects of prolonged antibiotic treatments and still have long-term debilitating symptoms thought to be caused by Lyme disease. Long-term symptoms include arthritis, joint pain, heart problems and autoimmunity.

In any case, it is now believed that more than just antibiotics are needed to effectively treat it. Different antibiotics are needed to treat the bacteria in its different stages of development. Your body is left to deal with a build-up of toxins and free radicals that can only be cleared by powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin C. Additionally, the low acetylcholine levels need to be treated to help avoid the direr, long term effects of Lyme disease.

Talk with your doctor about treatment with vitamins and supplements. When you buy vitamins, make sure that your doctor and pharmacist know all medications that you are taking to avoid interactions.

Lyme Disease - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Lyme Disease Recovery

Do you feel like something is going disastrously wrong with your body and nobody knows what the hell you are going through? You may be suffering from Lyme disease which is caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi and transmitted by ticks. One tick bite can be the reason of the disaster. But you may hardly notice it or even be unaware of tick bite because of its small size.

How long do you think it takes to recognize an new disease? 2 years? 10 years?

It took them 3 years to discover HIV disease; first observed in 1980 and recognized in 1983. So on average no less then 5 years sounds reasonable. Take a wild guess, how may years did it take for modern medical science to discover Lyme?

It was first medically determined as an illness by Reverend Dr. John Walker in 1764. It was 1982, when they found the bug itself - Borrelia Burgdorferi. And only then they confirmed, that it comes from the tick saliva. It took them 218 years to figure out what was going on. And they had modern equipment and resources.

How did it happen, that the HIV virus 120 nanometers in size was discovered 72 times faster, that the Lyme disease spirochete, which is 12,000 times bigger then the HIV virus - 10 micrometers in size?

If you look at it under the microscope, you will see snakes. The causative agent of Lyme disease Borrelia Burgdorferi looks like a snake, as well as syphilis. Somehow it was very difficult to identify those microorganisms that look like snakes.

Even though a lot of famous people, like Guy de Maupassant, Ivan the Terrible, Edouard Monet, Al Capone, Hitler, Mussolini, Cortez, Scott Joplin, Lord Randolf Churchill etc. were suffering from syphilis, it took them 419 years to find out what was going on. First time syphilis was described was in 1494: it was an outbreak among French troops, besieging Naples. It was 1913, when the cause of syphilis Treponema Pallidum was discovered. I was wondering why so many famous people were infected with syphilis. Were they promiscuous or were they getting inspiration from passion?

So what is common between Lyme disease and Syphilis, except that both of them are cause by snake like bugs? Why is it so difficult to deal with them? Because both of them are great imitators.

Do you think, if it is so difficult for scientists to identify Lyme, it is easy in the regular doctor's office? No, if you are not looking for it. However, if you are suspecting it then yes, it is easy.

Snakes are dangerous, sure. But if you know about the danger then you can protect yourself. If you see a snake approaching, you can run away or kill it. If you are bitten by it, you can always get and antiserum and eventually get well. But this is not the case when you deal with Lyme. It is poppy seed sized innocent looking tick, that bites you. Often you don't even know about it - not like snakes! The danger is not only because the tick is so small. It makes your skin numb so that you do not feel the bite. That is how smart it is. In fact, it is also a victim of the main problem - Borrelia Burgdorpheri. It is actually an pandemia among tics themselves: about 50% of them are infected. So if you are bitten by a tick, you have 50% chances, that is was infected. The scary thing is: besides Lyme you can get other serious illnesses from it like Babesiosis and Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis.

Have you ever seen a bull's eye? That is how Lyme starts. First thing you might see what is called and described as a "bull's eye" lesion: the red ring with dark red sometimes indurated center inside at the tick bite site. Unfortunately it often goes unnoticed. Or you may never have rash.

Soon after initial invasion, Lyme disease starts to spread. It goes into the skin, causing rashes, muscles, tendons, joints, that causes pains. Also it goes into the heart and nervous system including brain. The result is devastating: you may experience myriad of disabling symptoms from dizziness, fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia and palpitations to frank psychosis, heart block and paralysis.

Is there any remedy for this horrible disease? With the help of modern western medicine and with all its antibiotics there should be a remedy. And medical researchers came up with antibiotic regimens, that should kill the bug right away. It was the perfect time for them to declare victory. What they did not know was: Lyme disease would arise so many controversies and debates that even politicians would get involved. This almost never happened in medicine before.

To see what has never seen before - the bacteria kingdom. What he saw was so fascinating that he wrote to the Royal Society in London: "The number of these animicules in the scurf of a man's teeth are so many that I believe they exceed the number of men in a kingdom." What he was looking at was dental plague. What he did not realize was: he was the first man on earth who was looking at the biofilm. Do you brush your teeth? In fact what you are doing is - you remove biofilm from your teeth. What is this innocently looking monster?

Biofilm is where dangerous bacteria are hiding. They create a labyrinth of polymeric fibers on an appropriate surface with small holes and pockets, that are bacteria citadels. That is where they hide and cannot be detected by lab tests. That is where they cannot be hit by antibiotics. That is where they are waiting for better times to go out and hit again. That is why biofilms are so dangerous. Maybe they are rare and not significant in the everyday practice? In fact opposite is true.

Biofilms take place in 80% of all diseases. And Lyme is one of them. Lyme is not measles, not common cold, that is designed to hit fast and to spread to another person. Lyme is designed to live long time in the host - ticks, deers and may be humans. That is why it is so elusive. This is because Lyme is making biofilm and hiding in it! That is why sometimes it is not being identified in the blood tests! That is why it often does not respond to antibiotics! Want proof?

Dr. Eva Sapi, a professor of cellular and molecular biology at the University of New Haven, is doing cancer research. But suddenly she starts suffering from brain swelling. Clinically she had Lyme but her tests were negative. So she had to start her own research. What she along with Dr. McDonald found was: ticks bear other pathogens like mycoplasma along with Lyme spirochete. And they can be hiding in the Biofilms! I wonder why the revised 2010 year recommendations for Lyme disease management by Infections Disease Society of America (IDSA) do not say a word about such an important discovery. It was their expert's job to take this into consideration. Or may be they did not wanted to? What was the reason behind this? Looks like the experts of IDSA did not appreciate Dr. Sapi and Dr. McDonald's work. But the ordinary people did: they gave Oscar nomination for the movie "Under your skin" dedicated to Dr. Sapi and Dr. McDonald's work. They do deserve to be praised, because the fact, that Lyme is hiding in the biofilm can explain the treatment failures. So may be we should break the biofilm before treating Lyme?

Bottom line is simple:

1. If you were bitten by a tick and experienced rash - come for evaluation, because the sooner you get treatment - the higher your chances for recovery.

Even if you were not bitten by a tick, but had symptoms, suggestive of Lyme disease like rash, you may benefit from evaluation for Lyme anyway, because often tick bites are unrecognized.

Get better with Lyme treatment by taking antibiotics that hit the Lyme bugs in their hidden places, where they are hiding!

Opinions here do not reflect the opinion of American Boards of Medical Professions, FDA or other government agencies. This article is not intended to medically advise individuals and should only be used for informational purposes. In addition, this article is not intended to make any health statements. Please consult your primary physician before making any medical decisions.

Effective Natural Supplements for Treating Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Doctor

The treatment of Lyme disease can be very effective with homeopathic treatment.

Lyme disease is caused by an insect bite, in particular a tick bite. Sometimes the tick can be so small as to be unaware of the bite until symptoms arise. Symptoms include a rash at the site of the bite soon after the bite, progressing to symptoms of the flu, then joint, heart and nervous system involvement.

There are three stages of Lyme disease. The immediate stage characterised by a rash, the intermediate stage which can include heart symptoms, nervous system symptoms and meningitis and the late stage characterised by arthritis as well as the nervous system involvement.

The longer ago the bite was, the more complicated your condition will be, especially if you have had various treatments. Seeing a professional homeopath is likely to help you more than struggling with your own treatment.

The treatment of Lyme disease with homeopathy can be fast and non invasive. However, it's also worth bearing in mind, that you only develop serious disease because your immune system is not operating at it's full capacity. If it was, you may be bitten, but suffer no sequelae to the bite.

Focus on improving that for better future health.

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Cure Illinois Illinois

Illinois Illinois Lyme Disease Hospital

Lyme Disease Diagnosis

Being diagnosed for lyme disease is hard to figure out if it’s really lyme or the other 300 diseases it mimics. You can get bit by a tick that can give you lyme disease just about anywhere in the US, even in Illinois.

Lyme Test

There are many kinds of ticks on animals that people normally don't bother about. However, in the U. S., a disease was identified in 1975 that originated from ticks found in deer. This tick disease is called Lyme. Before discussing the symptoms for Lyme disease, it is wise to understand the cause of the illness.

This illness comes of a bacteria known as spirochete. A particular species of this bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi is found in ticks. Apart from Montana, most of the states in America have been known to be affected by this illness and is popularly known as deer tick since the adult form of this bacteria lives on deer.

When the ticks drink the blood of the deer who is suffering from Lyme illness, and bites in its nymph stage, the human body becomes infected without knowledge of the bite. Most people who catch it are outdoor sports lovers or campers.

If the signs of this sickness are ignored and the disease is left untreated, it is an invitation to arthritis in the next couple of months, especially in the knees. A person may feel arthritis shifting from one joint to another in regular or intermittent periods. If the Lyme disease is left untreated for a long period of time, people will go through chronic arthritis.

Lyme Disease Symptoms

The first symptom is visual in some cases. A rash resembling a bullseye is a certain sign you have lyme disease. In two to four weeks, if not treated symptoms can become severe with lots of pain.

Signs Of Lyme Disease In Humans

The dramatic increase in the number of cases of Lyme disease has caused a lot of panic in the medical community. Traditionally, it is treated with round after round of antibiotics. Some people never fully recover and the disease can be fatal.

Humans get Lyme disease most commonly from tics, but also from mosquitoes, fleas and mites. People suffering from it may initially experience fever, headache, and depression, developing a bull's eye-shaped rash. If a physician identifies this rash as Lyme disease, then treatment is immediately administered. The sooner antibiotics are given, the better your chances.

But, the treatment with antibiotics is very controversial. Rounds of antibiotics often need to be repeated, sometimes multiple times, and the symptoms could never go away or get worse. Some people have suffered endless damaging side effects of prolonged antibiotic treatments and still have long-term debilitating symptoms thought to be caused by Lyme disease. Long-term symptoms include arthritis, joint pain, heart problems and autoimmunity.

In any case, it is now believed that more than just antibiotics are needed to effectively treat it. Different antibiotics are needed to treat the bacteria in its different stages of development. Your body is left to deal with a build-up of toxins and free radicals that can only be cleared by powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin C. Additionally, the low acetylcholine levels need to be treated to help avoid the direr, long term effects of Lyme disease.

Talk with your doctor about treatment with vitamins and supplements. When you buy vitamins, make sure that your doctor and pharmacist know all medications that you are taking to avoid interactions.

Lyme Disease Stages

If not taken serious, symptoms then can turn to neurological causing memory loss and motor movement disability. And in some serious cases, death.

Holistic Treatment For Lyme Disease

The dramatic increase in the number of cases of Lyme disease has caused a lot of panic in the medical community. Traditionally, it is treated with round after round of antibiotics. Some people never fully recover and the disease can be fatal.

Humans get Lyme disease most commonly from tics, but also from mosquitoes, fleas and mites. People suffering from it may initially experience fever, headache, and depression, developing a bull's eye-shaped rash. If a physician identifies this rash as Lyme disease, then treatment is immediately administered. The sooner antibiotics are given, the better your chances.

But, the treatment with antibiotics is very controversial. Rounds of antibiotics often need to be repeated, sometimes multiple times, and the symptoms could never go away or get worse. Some people have suffered endless damaging side effects of prolonged antibiotic treatments and still have long-term debilitating symptoms thought to be caused by Lyme disease. Long-term symptoms include arthritis, joint pain, heart problems and autoimmunity.

In any case, it is now believed that more than just antibiotics are needed to effectively treat it. Different antibiotics are needed to treat the bacteria in its different stages of development. Your body is left to deal with a build-up of toxins and free radicals that can only be cleared by powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin C. Additionally, the low acetylcholine levels need to be treated to help avoid the direr, long term effects of Lyme disease.

Talk with your doctor about treatment with vitamins and supplements. When you buy vitamins, make sure that your doctor and pharmacist know all medications that you are taking to avoid interactions.

Test for Lyme Disease

Please take the time to read this 15 minute blog. It tells of how someone beat Lyme Disease and Q-fever, both contracted from the same tick bite, but Q-fever being 10 time worse than Lyme Disease. He tells of how doctors were not able to cure him and at his last hope found several natural foods that turned his health around within a week. On deaths door to a full recovery. Check out the simple ways he cured lyme disease with organic foods.

Signs Of Lyme Disease In Humans

Do you feel like something is going disastrously wrong with your body and nobody knows what the hell you are going through? You may be suffering from Lyme disease which is caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi and transmitted by ticks. One tick bite can be the reason of the disaster. But you may hardly notice it or even be unaware of tick bite because of its small size.

How long do you think it takes to recognize an new disease? 2 years? 10 years?

It took them 3 years to discover HIV disease; first observed in 1980 and recognized in 1983. So on average no less then 5 years sounds reasonable. Take a wild guess, how may years did it take for modern medical science to discover Lyme?

It was first medically determined as an illness by Reverend Dr. John Walker in 1764. It was 1982, when they found the bug itself - Borrelia Burgdorferi. And only then they confirmed, that it comes from the tick saliva. It took them 218 years to figure out what was going on. And they had modern equipment and resources.

How did it happen, that the HIV virus 120 nanometers in size was discovered 72 times faster, that the Lyme disease spirochete, which is 12,000 times bigger then the HIV virus - 10 micrometers in size?

If you look at it under the microscope, you will see snakes. The causative agent of Lyme disease Borrelia Burgdorferi looks like a snake, as well as syphilis. Somehow it was very difficult to identify those microorganisms that look like snakes.

Even though a lot of famous people, like Guy de Maupassant, Ivan the Terrible, Edouard Monet, Al Capone, Hitler, Mussolini, Cortez, Scott Joplin, Lord Randolf Churchill etc. were suffering from syphilis, it took them 419 years to find out what was going on. First time syphilis was described was in 1494: it was an outbreak among French troops, besieging Naples. It was 1913, when the cause of syphilis Treponema Pallidum was discovered. I was wondering why so many famous people were infected with syphilis. Were they promiscuous or were they getting inspiration from passion?

So what is common between Lyme disease and Syphilis, except that both of them are cause by snake like bugs? Why is it so difficult to deal with them? Because both of them are great imitators.

Do you think, if it is so difficult for scientists to identify Lyme, it is easy in the regular doctor's office? No, if you are not looking for it. However, if you are suspecting it then yes, it is easy.

Snakes are dangerous, sure. But if you know about the danger then you can protect yourself. If you see a snake approaching, you can run away or kill it. If you are bitten by it, you can always get and antiserum and eventually get well. But this is not the case when you deal with Lyme. It is poppy seed sized innocent looking tick, that bites you. Often you don't even know about it - not like snakes! The danger is not only because the tick is so small. It makes your skin numb so that you do not feel the bite. That is how smart it is. In fact, it is also a victim of the main problem - Borrelia Burgdorpheri. It is actually an pandemia among tics themselves: about 50% of them are infected. So if you are bitten by a tick, you have 50% chances, that is was infected. The scary thing is: besides Lyme you can get other serious illnesses from it like Babesiosis and Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis.

Have you ever seen a bull's eye? That is how Lyme starts. First thing you might see what is called and described as a "bull's eye" lesion: the red ring with dark red sometimes indurated center inside at the tick bite site. Unfortunately it often goes unnoticed. Or you may never have rash.

Soon after initial invasion, Lyme disease starts to spread. It goes into the skin, causing rashes, muscles, tendons, joints, that causes pains. Also it goes into the heart and nervous system including brain. The result is devastating: you may experience myriad of disabling symptoms from dizziness, fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia and palpitations to frank psychosis, heart block and paralysis.

Is there any remedy for this horrible disease? With the help of modern western medicine and with all its antibiotics there should be a remedy. And medical researchers came up with antibiotic regimens, that should kill the bug right away. It was the perfect time for them to declare victory. What they did not know was: Lyme disease would arise so many controversies and debates that even politicians would get involved. This almost never happened in medicine before.

To see what has never seen before - the bacteria kingdom. What he saw was so fascinating that he wrote to the Royal Society in London: "The number of these animicules in the scurf of a man's teeth are so many that I believe they exceed the number of men in a kingdom." What he was looking at was dental plague. What he did not realize was: he was the first man on earth who was looking at the biofilm. Do you brush your teeth? In fact what you are doing is - you remove biofilm from your teeth. What is this innocently looking monster?

Biofilm is where dangerous bacteria are hiding. They create a labyrinth of polymeric fibers on an appropriate surface with small holes and pockets, that are bacteria citadels. That is where they hide and cannot be detected by lab tests. That is where they cannot be hit by antibiotics. That is where they are waiting for better times to go out and hit again. That is why biofilms are so dangerous. Maybe they are rare and not significant in the everyday practice? In fact opposite is true.

Biofilms take place in 80% of all diseases. And Lyme is one of them. Lyme is not measles, not common cold, that is designed to hit fast and to spread to another person. Lyme is designed to live long time in the host - ticks, deers and may be humans. That is why it is so elusive. This is because Lyme is making biofilm and hiding in it! That is why sometimes it is not being identified in the blood tests! That is why it often does not respond to antibiotics! Want proof?

Dr. Eva Sapi, a professor of cellular and molecular biology at the University of New Haven, is doing cancer research. But suddenly she starts suffering from brain swelling. Clinically she had Lyme but her tests were negative. So she had to start her own research. What she along with Dr. McDonald found was: ticks bear other pathogens like mycoplasma along with Lyme spirochete. And they can be hiding in the Biofilms! I wonder why the revised 2010 year recommendations for Lyme disease management by Infections Disease Society of America (IDSA) do not say a word about such an important discovery. It was their expert's job to take this into consideration. Or may be they did not wanted to? What was the reason behind this? Looks like the experts of IDSA did not appreciate Dr. Sapi and Dr. McDonald's work. But the ordinary people did: they gave Oscar nomination for the movie "Under your skin" dedicated to Dr. Sapi and Dr. McDonald's work. They do deserve to be praised, because the fact, that Lyme is hiding in the biofilm can explain the treatment failures. So may be we should break the biofilm before treating Lyme?

Bottom line is simple:

1. If you were bitten by a tick and experienced rash - come for evaluation, because the sooner you get treatment - the higher your chances for recovery.

Even if you were not bitten by a tick, but had symptoms, suggestive of Lyme disease like rash, you may benefit from evaluation for Lyme anyway, because often tick bites are unrecognized.

Get better with Lyme treatment by taking antibiotics that hit the Lyme bugs in their hidden places, where they are hiding!

Opinions here do not reflect the opinion of American Boards of Medical Professions, FDA or other government agencies. This article is not intended to medically advise individuals and should only be used for informational purposes. In addition, this article is not intended to make any health statements. Please consult your primary physician before making any medical decisions.

Cure for Lyme Disease

Chronic Lyme Disease Testing

Lyme disease is spread by deer ticks and is caused by a spirochete bacteria name Borrelia burgdorferi. When the bacteria reach the bloodstream and are spread throughout the body, it can cause signs and symptoms ranging from mild to severe.


Deer ticks are the vector insect of this kind of disease. B. burgdorferi lives in the saliva of the tick and when the tick bit a person, the bacteria is introduced inside the body. B. burgdorferi will then travel the bloodstream and infect different body parts such as the nervous, integumentary, and musculoskeletal system.

Its most noticeable symptom is the rash that it creates, which is an immune response of the body to the invading foreign bacteria. The rash is developed by the time the deer tick bit a person. The tick's saliva is a perfect nourishing substance for the bacteria. The tick's saliva itself contains chemical that can disrupt or damage the local immune system. When the skin's immune system is compromised, it can serve as a breeding ground for the bacteria. From the site of the bite, the spirochete bacteria will then asexually reproduce and will spread outwardly. This is the main reason that lyme disease rash is circular in appearance. In some unknown reason, the neutrophils, which are the body's antigen for invading bacteria, do not respond promptly to the site or failed to take action.

Early Stage

Circular rash has 5 to 6 inches diameter
"Bull's eye" rash
Occasionally itchy or painful

Signs of inflammation may or may not be present

Late Stage

Cerebral palsy
Shooting pain that leads to sleep disturbances
Bladder problem

Lyme disease has many other complications that may even affect mental and emotional health. This is the main reason that early detection and prompt medical attention should be given. Lyme disease may not be serious at first, but the later stages of the disease may lead to debilitating effects.

Lyme Disease - How One Tick Bite Can Affect Your Health

Tick Lyme

Do you feel like something is going disastrously wrong with your body and nobody knows what the hell you are going through? You may be suffering from Lyme disease which is caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi and transmitted by ticks. One tick bite can be the reason of the disaster. But you may hardly notice it or even be unaware of tick bite because of its small size.

How long do you think it takes to recognize an new disease? 2 years? 10 years?

It took them 3 years to discover HIV disease; first observed in 1980 and recognized in 1983. So on average no less then 5 years sounds reasonable. Take a wild guess, how may years did it take for modern medical science to discover Lyme?

It was first medically determined as an illness by Reverend Dr. John Walker in 1764. It was 1982, when they found the bug itself - Borrelia Burgdorferi. And only then they confirmed, that it comes from the tick saliva. It took them 218 years to figure out what was going on. And they had modern equipment and resources.

How did it happen, that the HIV virus 120 nanometers in size was discovered 72 times faster, that the Lyme disease spirochete, which is 12,000 times bigger then the HIV virus - 10 micrometers in size?

If you look at it under the microscope, you will see snakes. The causative agent of Lyme disease Borrelia Burgdorferi looks like a snake, as well as syphilis. Somehow it was very difficult to identify those microorganisms that look like snakes.

Even though a lot of famous people, like Guy de Maupassant, Ivan the Terrible, Edouard Monet, Al Capone, Hitler, Mussolini, Cortez, Scott Joplin, Lord Randolf Churchill etc. were suffering from syphilis, it took them 419 years to find out what was going on. First time syphilis was described was in 1494: it was an outbreak among French troops, besieging Naples. It was 1913, when the cause of syphilis Treponema Pallidum was discovered. I was wondering why so many famous people were infected with syphilis. Were they promiscuous or were they getting inspiration from passion?

So what is common between Lyme disease and Syphilis, except that both of them are cause by snake like bugs? Why is it so difficult to deal with them? Because both of them are great imitators.

Do you think, if it is so difficult for scientists to identify Lyme, it is easy in the regular doctor's office? No, if you are not looking for it. However, if you are suspecting it then yes, it is easy.

Snakes are dangerous, sure. But if you know about the danger then you can protect yourself. If you see a snake approaching, you can run away or kill it. If you are bitten by it, you can always get and antiserum and eventually get well. But this is not the case when you deal with Lyme. It is poppy seed sized innocent looking tick, that bites you. Often you don't even know about it - not like snakes! The danger is not only because the tick is so small. It makes your skin numb so that you do not feel the bite. That is how smart it is. In fact, it is also a victim of the main problem - Borrelia Burgdorpheri. It is actually an pandemia among tics themselves: about 50% of them are infected. So if you are bitten by a tick, you have 50% chances, that is was infected. The scary thing is: besides Lyme you can get other serious illnesses from it like Babesiosis and Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis.

Have you ever seen a bull's eye? That is how Lyme starts. First thing you might see what is called and described as a "bull's eye" lesion: the red ring with dark red sometimes indurated center inside at the tick bite site. Unfortunately it often goes unnoticed. Or you may never have rash.

Soon after initial invasion, Lyme disease starts to spread. It goes into the skin, causing rashes, muscles, tendons, joints, that causes pains. Also it goes into the heart and nervous system including brain. The result is devastating: you may experience myriad of disabling symptoms from dizziness, fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia and palpitations to frank psychosis, heart block and paralysis.

Is there any remedy for this horrible disease? With the help of modern western medicine and with all its antibiotics there should be a remedy. And medical researchers came up with antibiotic regimens, that should kill the bug right away. It was the perfect time for them to declare victory. What they did not know was: Lyme disease would arise so many controversies and debates that even politicians would get involved. This almost never happened in medicine before.

To see what has never seen before - the bacteria kingdom. What he saw was so fascinating that he wrote to the Royal Society in London: "The number of these animicules in the scurf of a man's teeth are so many that I believe they exceed the number of men in a kingdom." What he was looking at was dental plague. What he did not realize was: he was the first man on earth who was looking at the biofilm. Do you brush your teeth? In fact what you are doing is - you remove biofilm from your teeth. What is this innocently looking monster?

Biofilm is where dangerous bacteria are hiding. They create a labyrinth of polymeric fibers on an appropriate surface with small holes and pockets, that are bacteria citadels. That is where they hide and cannot be detected by lab tests. That is where they cannot be hit by antibiotics. That is where they are waiting for better times to go out and hit again. That is why biofilms are so dangerous. Maybe they are rare and not significant in the everyday practice? In fact opposite is true.

Biofilms take place in 80% of all diseases. And Lyme is one of them. Lyme is not measles, not common cold, that is designed to hit fast and to spread to another person. Lyme is designed to live long time in the host - ticks, deers and may be humans. That is why it is so elusive. This is because Lyme is making biofilm and hiding in it! That is why sometimes it is not being identified in the blood tests! That is why it often does not respond to antibiotics! Want proof?

Dr. Eva Sapi, a professor of cellular and molecular biology at the University of New Haven, is doing cancer research. But suddenly she starts suffering from brain swelling. Clinically she had Lyme but her tests were negative. So she had to start her own research. What she along with Dr. McDonald found was: ticks bear other pathogens like mycoplasma along with Lyme spirochete. And they can be hiding in the Biofilms! I wonder why the revised 2010 year recommendations for Lyme disease management by Infections Disease Society of America (IDSA) do not say a word about such an important discovery. It was their expert's job to take this into consideration. Or may be they did not wanted to? What was the reason behind this? Looks like the experts of IDSA did not appreciate Dr. Sapi and Dr. McDonald's work. But the ordinary people did: they gave Oscar nomination for the movie "Under your skin" dedicated to Dr. Sapi and Dr. McDonald's work. They do deserve to be praised, because the fact, that Lyme is hiding in the biofilm can explain the treatment failures. So may be we should break the biofilm before treating Lyme?

Bottom line is simple:

1. If you were bitten by a tick and experienced rash - come for evaluation, because the sooner you get treatment - the higher your chances for recovery.

Even if you were not bitten by a tick, but had symptoms, suggestive of Lyme disease like rash, you may benefit from evaluation for Lyme anyway, because often tick bites are unrecognized.

Get better with Lyme treatment by taking antibiotics that hit the Lyme bugs in their hidden places, where they are hiding!

Opinions here do not reflect the opinion of American Boards of Medical Professions, FDA or other government agencies. This article is not intended to medically advise individuals and should only be used for informational purposes. In addition, this article is not intended to make any health statements. Please consult your primary physician before making any medical decisions.

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi which is most often acquired from the bite of an infected Ixodes, or black-legged, tick, also known as a deer tick. Borrelia is a gram negative bacterium. Lyme disease in Europe is more often caused by Borrelia afzelii or Borrelia garinii. areas of New York, where Lyme disease is common, over half of the ticks are infected. Lyme disease has been reported most often in the Northeastern United States, but has been reported in all 50 states as well as China, Europe, Japan, Australia and the parts of the former Soviet UnionIt is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks.

4.Muscle pains

5.Stiff neck

6.Joint inflammation

Treatment of Lyme Disease

1.Oral antibiotics Doxycycline - bacteriostatic properties stops synthesis of bacteria replication.

2.Amoxicillin - bactericidal properties kill bacterium, Beta-lactam properties inhibit the synthesis of bacterial cell walls.

3.Ceftriaxone - (intravenous therapy) bactericidal properties kill bacterium. Has central nervous system penetration.

4.Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, are sometimes prescribed to relieve joint stiffness.

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